
Got a burning question for us? Want to contribute something to the website? Want to let us know the hottest goss about CX in the southern hemisphere? Here’s where you can get in touch.


The best place to follow the latest up-to-date CX news in Australia and NZ, and discuss the goings-on in the sport. Also where you’ll find our competitions, like CX Tipping and Australia’s Best CX Doggo.


Loads of cool pics of race-day photos, and more importantly cute dogs. DMs are always open if you’ve got something you’d like to share.


For all your srs bsns enquries, and those things that can’t quite be expressed in a Facebook post or Instagram DM. If you’re getting in touch to write some content or give us those sweet, sweet Internet dollars, this is the place to hit us up.

On race day: If you see CX Down Under at your race day, don’t freak out - they’re just as scared of you as you are of them.

Seriously though, we’re always happy to talk CX, so if you spot us course-side, come up and say hi! We’ll discuss line selection and tyre pressure and generally have a good ol’ time.


About CX Down Under